QUakermen programm



The role of men in the church is clearly outlined in the Scriptures, specifically in 1 Corinthians 11:3 and Ephesians 5:23. The NYM Quakermen Programme aims to enhance church management and development activities that strengthen Christian stewardship, fellowship, and cooperation among men in the church. We empower our members spiritually, socially, and economically, fostering a vibrant community of faith.

Brief History

The NYM Quakermen Programme was established on, at theand was officially commissioned during the(December 4-7, 1997) atwith the authority of the General Board. The program has been guided by various leaders over the years, including:

Leadership Timeline:

  • Bartholomew Miheso
  • Benson Muhalia
  • Jackson Nyongesa
  • Abel Amuyunzu
  • Current Leader: Benson Lubang’a


Registration is a constitutional requirement for all men, necessitating their registration with respective local churches. Membership has steadily grown, with numbers increasing from 1,800 in 2021 to 3,100 in 2024.

Financial Resources

Membership registration serves as the primary source of income for the program, supplemented by the sale of quality branded neckties.

Physical Development and Achievements

In 2019, the programme procured 2 acres of land in Ibisil, Kajiado County, with the vision to develop it into a Quakermen Rafiki Retreat Centre.

Other Key Achievements:

  • Fostered strong relationships with other church programmes.
  • Established structured management systems, including a Council of Elders, Planning Committee, and Quarterly Coordinating Committees (QCCs) to enhance leadership within the monthly meetings.
  • Held the first-ever special retreat cum advisory board at St. Francis Community Centre in January 2024. All monthly/QCC pastors and evangelists attended, focusing on increasing participation in program activities. Pioneer Quakermen from four generations received certificates of recognition during this event, where a strategic action plan for 2023-26 was launched in alignment with the NYM 2021-26 plan.
  • Conducted visitations and fellowship in all QCCs, facilitating consultative meetings to harmonize Quakermen operations and sensitize members of the ministry, all while promoting a spirit of unity and purpose.

Programme Activities

The NYM Quakermen Programme hosts a variety of activities, including:

  • Annual Conference: Held every October
  • Seminars: Conducted at QCCs level each May
  • Empowerment Workshops: Offered at QCCs level
  • Keshas: Night vigils at QCCs level
  • Breakfast/Evening Fellowships
  • Quakermen Day Celebrations: Hosted at QCCs and monthly meeting levels