Core Values
  1. Prayer-centered-reflecting reverence and faith in God through His Son Jesus Christ and dependence on the Holy Spirit's empowerment and guidance.
  2. Humility-reflecting an appreciation that we are who we are by God's grace, self-control, respect for self, others and Church order.
  3. Integrity-reflecting knowledge of God's word, fear of sin, truth in speech and character, absolute honesty in the handling of personal and church resources.
  4. Stewardship-reflecting a godly commitment to take care of all personal and Church resources, business and information with honesty, prudence, value addition, accountability, and respective confidentiality.
  5. Oneness-reflecting a commitment to make every effort to love and trust one another, negotiate over issues, critique issues and keep the unity of the Spirit.
  6. Family-reflecting a commitment to honoring parents, high fidelity in marriage, responsibility in raising children and grace to the extended family.
  7. Excellence -reflecting a commitment to high standards, performing our best, proper training for areas of service, competence and professionalism in the performance of roles.
  8. Responsible citizenship-reflecting proper management of personal socio-economic affairs, understanding one's society and its laws and issues and employing Christian maturity and integrity in relating with the public including the political class.
  9. Impartiality-reflecting a commitment to equality of all human beings and Christ-centered inclusiveness.
  10. Outreach-reflecting in a commitment to evangelism to the unreached, nurturing the reached, training and equipping saints for works of service and serving those in need everywhere.